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The Unique Selling Point (USP) defines your company's unique position in the marketplace, getting at the heart of your business: the value you offer and the problem you solve. It is a crucial part of effective selling, especially online where consumers have so many options.
USP | Claim | Story |
Company | Experience, decision-making process | We started MaxVent with the vision because we were annoyed that a big chunk of our revenue were devoured by energy consumptions. So, we decided why don’t we start a company that can also benefit from what we’re solving at our premises. Hence, MaxVent was born! |
Methods/processes | Product concept, Service concepts, delivery method, training programs for employees | We focus on bringing the customer into the picture upon the completion of the installation process. We prefer to complete the installations after work hours to not hinder work productivity for our customers. |
Service | Service life, low service costs, premium choice | The MaxVent 3000 is our latest product. You can view the benefits here and how we stand out: https://www.airmaster-as.com/en/ventilation-and-indoor-climate/ventilation/ |