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Sales KPIs are the metrics by which you will evaluate your team's performance against your sales and organizational goals. By measuring the right sales KPIs, you can optimize your sales process and ensure you and your team are prioritizing the right activities for greatest success.

Sales Target

Yearly KPI’s

Yearly target revenue: $12,000,000 Average order: USD $100,000 Minimum orders: 120 Number of sales people: 12 12 sales people = 10 orders per sales person

Monthly KPI’s January: 10 sale of $100,000 per salesperson February: 10 sale March: 10 sale April: 10 sale May: 10 sale June: 10 sale July: 10 sale August: 10 sale September: 10 sale October: 10 sale November: 10 sale December: 10 sale

Total no: of sales = 120 sales per year Projected revenue: 120 sales x $100,000 = $12,000,000

Sales Process Leads per salesman: 60 Contacts made: 45 1st meetings: 30 2nd meetings: 15 Quotations sent: 5 Conversions: 1

Total leads available per week: 12x60 = 720 Total leads contact per week: 12x45 = 540 Total 1st meetings per week: 12x30 = 360 Total 2nd meetings per week: 12x15 = 180 Total quotations sent per week: 12x5 = 60 Conversions per month: 12x1 = 12

Marketing Process

Number of warm/hot leads required by sales to achieve 12 orders = xxxxx Number of warm/hot leads acquired from campaigns = xxxx Number leads passed on to sales team = xxx

Key KPI’s

Number of leads from marketing campaigns = xxxx ****Number of 1st meetings per week = xxx Number of quotations sent per month = xx Number of orders per month = xx

2nd Meeting Celebration